Component III – Institutional cooperation – vocational education and training

Spis treści

    The following information has been prepared based on the call for proposals and the guide for applicants and aims to facilitate the search of data needed at the stage of preparing the application. In the event of discrepancies, the information contained in the above mentioned documents, which can be read at this point or using the links below, is binding for the applicant

    1. Call for proposals
    2. Guide for applicants – Component III
    3. Draft of application form
    4. Eligibility check
    5. Quality check
    6. Information on application form
    7. Declaration of legal representative
    8. Declaration on de minimis aid
    9. Glossary of terms

    Description of activities

    As part of COMPONENT 3, institutions from Poland, Donor States and, in duly justified cases, from other EEA Beneficiary States may implement bilateral and multilateral projects aimed at enhancement of quality and relevance of vocational education and training and of continuing education. These projects should be in line with the overall objectives and cross-cutting aspects of the Education Programme and focus on such issues as:
    • vocational education and training development as a response to economic and social needs,
    • strengthened cooperation between education and entrepreneurs - adaptation of the educational offer to the needs of the labor market,
    • development of inclusive education, strengthening the entrepreneurial skills and creativity of learners,
    • support provided to open educational resources in vocational education and training,
    • inclusion of new technologies to education and training, as well as new teaching and training methods,
    • development of counselling and educational support for students,
    • development of the job-related competences of staff and other people active in the vocational education and training sector,
    • development of cross-sectoral institutional cooperation in vocational education,
    • implementation of teaching innovations,
    • cooperation and good practice exchange between project partners,
    • development of career guidance and mentoring,
    • streamlining the organisation and management of education institutions,
    • developing and supporting mobility in education, apprenticeships, work placements and professional exchanges,
    • implementation of ECVET and EQAVET.

    This Component supports three types of activities:

    (a) development and updating of the education offer, including curricula, teaching methods or tools, among other things through:
    • developing and implementing curricula at various levels of vocational education; study programmes, courses, modules, specialisations, workshops, training courses, etc.,
    • developing and implementing innovative methods and educational tools; textbooks, guides, training materials, computer software, etc.,
    • conducting surveys and analyses followed by the publication of results/recommendations,
    • international mobility between partners,
    • organisation of dissemination events.

    (b) exchanging experiences and good practices, organisation of joint initiatives with Donor State partners, among other things through:
    • seminars, conferences, educational workshops,
    • intensive trainings for learners, teachers, trainers, management staff of education institutions and other persons active in the education sector;

    (c) development or updating local/regional/national strategies for the development of vocational/sector-specific education and continuing education.
    The strategy must be developed in cooperation between institutions responsible for education and vocational schools, higher education institutions or adult education institutions operating in a given region.

    A project can focus on the performance of any activity (a, b or c) separately or it can include two or all of the activities.

    Who may apply

    Polish legal entities involved in formal and non-formal education in the vocational education and training or vocational continuing education sector are eligible applicants.
    Applicants must confirm that they are currently active in the vocational education and training or vocational continuing education and that for at least 12 months before submitting the application, they are active in the formal or non-formal education sector, by enclosing proper documents.

    Only the Polish entity responsible for the completion and submission of an on-line application to the Programme Operator may act as an Applicant.

    Eligible partners

    • Any legal entity established in the Donor State or in Poland. In justified cases, where it is not possible to involve partners from Donor States, partners from other Beneficiary States may be invited, e.g. to carry out institutional cooperation projects in order to transfer innovative results.
    • Vocational Education and Training institutions from Switzerland which hold a special cooperation agreement with Liechtenstein.
    • Swiss universities, in respect to students and staff of Liechtensteiner nationality.

    A partnership should be composed of at least 2 entities. An applicant submits a proposal on behalf of all partners involved in the project

    In projects implemented as part of Activity b or if the project contains Activity b, partnerships with entities from Donor States are obligatory.

    In the case of projects implemented under Activities a and c, partnership with entities listed as eligible partners is obligatory - partnership with entities from Donor States is preferred, but not obligatory.


    CategoryRate Description
    Project management
    and implementation
    Each month
    of project implementation:

    Coordinator: EUR 500
    Partner: EUR 250
    costs related to project
    management, planning,
    monitoring, administrative
    and financial support
    of project, coordination
    of activities
    and communication
    between partners, etc.,
    implementation of
    project activities, e.g.,
    promotion (print of leaflets,
    brochures, posters; website,
    participation in external
    events), evaluation,
    and other costs necessary
    for the implementation
    of the project,
    not covered under the
    other categories.
    (project meetings)
    10-99 km: EUR 20
    100-499 km: EUR 180
    500-1999 km: EUR 275
    2000-2999 km: EUR 360
    3000-3999 km: EUR 530
    covering costs related to
    participants' travels
    from the place of residence
    to the place of the meeting
    Day of stay:
    in Poland: EUR 150
    in NO, IS or LI: EUR 200
    covering subsistence costs
    during meetings
    (max. 2 days of meeting
    and 2 days of travel).
    Events related to
    and implementation
    of the project results
    Participant: EUR 100

    Up to EUR 15 000
    Costs related to the promotion
    of results through
    the organization of
    conferences, seminars,
    training and workshops.
    E.g .: conference packages,
    training materials,
    translations during events,
    catering, renting rooms
    and equipment, paricipants'
    travel and subsistence
    service costs.
    Travel (activities related to
    learning and training)
    10-99 km: EUR 20
    100-499 km: EUR 180
    500-1999 km: EUR 275
    2000-2999 km: EUR 360
    3000-3999 km: EUR 530
    covering costs related to
    participants' travels
    from the place of residence
    to the place of the training
    Individual support
    (activities related to
    learning and training)
    Day of stay
    in Poland: EUR 150
    in NO, IS or LI: EUR 200
    in Poland: EUR 120
    in NO, IS or LI: EUR 150
    covering subsistnece costs
    during activities
    related to learning
    and training.
    (max. duration: 14 days,
    including 10 days
    of activities
    and 2 days for travel)
    Support of participants
    with special needs
    Real costscevering costs related to
    enabling participation
    in mobility to people
    with disabilities.
    Intellectual outputs'
    staff costs
    Daily rates of remuneration
    depending on the country
    of employment

    Poland: EUR 74
    Iceland: EUR 214
    Liechtenstein: EUR 241
    Norway: 241 EUR
    Staff costs related to
    the development of
    sustainable Intellectual
    Outputs of the project
    [such as curricula,
    pedagogical materials,
    open educational
    resources (OER), IT tools,
    analysis, research, plans
    and development strategies]
    Exceptional costsReal costs (100%)
    up to 20% of total
    project amount.
    purchase of goods
    (e.g. equipment,
    training equipment)
    subcontracting justified
    for achieving project
    objectives that can not
    be covered within other
    budget categories and costs
    of financial security, if required
    by the Programme Operator.
    In case of realization
    of project only within
    action B, categories:
    Intellectual Outpusts'
    staff costs;
    Exceptional costs
    are NOT included.

    Time frame

    Call end date15.09.2019r.
    Duration of project (activity a)6-24 months
    Duration of project (activity b)3-12 months
    Duration of project (activity c)6-24 months
    Duration of project (more than 1 activity)6-24 months

    Date and method of submission

    Submission deadline


    End time


    Time zone


    System for submission of an application form is available here: