Fund Full of Knowledge

Fund Full of Knowledge


Report on the evaluation of projects
implemented as part of the Scholarship and Training Fund
by Polish higher education institutions

The main objective of the evaluation study was to assess the support given to Polish educational institutions in the framework of the second edition of the Scholarship and Training Fund (projects implemented in the years 2012-2016). The overall scope of evaluation was also accompanied by the following specific objectives:

• evaluation of the extent to which projects accomplished under the second edition of the Scholarship and Training Fund have contributed to achieving the strategic and specific objectives of the Programme;
• an assessment of the impact of projects implemented within the framework of the second edition of the STF on individual Project Promoters and on the institutions accomplishing the STF projects;
• an assessment of the quality and sustainability of the project outcomes achieved by the STF’s institutional Project Promoters.

The following evaluation criteria have been used at the planning stage:

effectiveness (Have the objectives of the STF Programme been achieved and, if yes, to what extent?);
relevance (To what extent the objectives of the STF projects are consistent with the needs of the recipients?);
usefulness (To what extent the results generated by the STF Project Promoters correspond to the needs of target audience of these results?);
sustainability (To what extent project outcomes are long-lasting and sustainable?).

International mobility, cooperation and development in education. Scholarship and Training Fund in the years 2012-2016

Publication “International mobility, cooperation and development in education. Scholarship and Training Fund in the years 2012-2016” summarizes implementation of the II phase of the EEA/Norway Grants in terms of Scholarships in Poland.

The data and reports of beneficiaries compiled in the publication show the remarkable value which emerged during realization of the Fund in Poland and how extremely inspiring were STF projects. The publication presents some of the individual and institutional projects implemented from 2013, as well as statistical data and STF calendar. It also summarizes the results of completed projects and the actions taken by the Foundation for the Development of Education System, acting as the Operator of the Scholarship and Training Fund in Poland.

Enjoy reading!

The System of Education in Poland 2014

Prepared by the Polish EURYDICE Unit in consultation with the experts from the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The publication is also available in a printed version.

Sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences

Report from the meeting of Beneficiaries of Measure IV – Inter-Institutional Cooperation and Measure V – Development of Polish Higher Education Institutions

Scholarship and Training Fund Alumni Programme

Report from the meeting of beneficiaries of Measure III – Individual Mobilty Grants