Empowering Tomorrow’s Workforce: Exploring AI and Future Tech in VET and C-VET

Empowering Tomorrows Workforce


Two-day event focusing on both systemic and practical aspects of introduction of modern technologies. Day one being dedicated to panel discussions involving both decision makers and practitioners. Day two devoted to capacity-building activities aimed at increasing VET providers competences and opportunities for cooperation. This includes presentation of best practice, current and future partnerships, fostering and exploring potential project ideas.


  • VET schools and school providers,
  • State administration authorities, local government bodies (commune, municipal, county authorities),
  • Vocational Training Centers, Continuous Education Centers and Vocational Improvement Centers,
  • Stakeholders (education institutions, NGOs, government bodies, industrial, commercial and economic chambers, Centres of Vocational Excellence etc.)


Knowledge: Gain a better understanding of integration and implementation of AI in VET.
Experience: Discover strategies for establishing sustainable VET partnerships.
Example: Learn how the Polish education programme under the EEA and Norway Grants have contributed to modernization of VET sector.
Visibility: Share insights on digital transformation challenges and successes.
Networking: Connect with peers and explore new ideas for cooperation in VET.


The agenda features names such as:

  • Prof. Aleksandra Przegalińska – philosopher, experienced specialist in technology and business trends, AI researcher, Associate Professor and Vice-President of Kozminski University, Senior Research Associate at the Harvard Labour and Worklife Program,
  • Tomasz Mackiewicz – Director of District Centre for Vocational Education in Wrzesnia, member of the Working Group on Artificial Intelligence by the Ministry of Digital Affairs,
  • Kamil Śliwowski – digital and green skills educator and instructional designer, e-learning professional, blogger, cooperating with many NGOs focused on digital rights and education




PANEL SESSION 1: Fostering effective partnerships in Vocational Education and Training (VET): Key strategies for success

This discussion aims to offer a professional forum for understanding, implementing, and harnessing the benefits of strategic collaboration within vocational education and training. The main focus is on exploring strategies for establishing strong partnerships and, more importantly, showcasing exemplary stakeholders who have achieved remarkable success. The panelists will address the essential question of how partnerships between educational institutions, industries, and government bodies can work together.

PANEL SESSION 2: Navigating the Future: AI and other top edtech trends in Vocational Teaching and Learning

In this panel, experts will address the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other cutting-edge digital trends in Vocational Education and Training (VET). As industries evolve rapidly, VET plays a pivotal role in preparing individuals for the workforce of the future. Hear success stories and best practices from institutions that have successfully implemented AI and digital trends in VET.
This panel promises a dynamic exploration of the present and future landscape of VET, offering valuable insights for educators, industry professionals, and policymakers alike.

Join us for an enlightening conversation on navigating the ever-evolving intersection of AI and vocational education!


IDEA LAB – WORKSHOP SESSION (several groups simultaneously): developing and sharing project ideas revolving around the notion of AI and EdTech

The aim of the workshop is to connect VET and C-VET professionals from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Poland to work on and enable potential opportunities arising with the design of AI and various EdTech. The workshop is structured around the Design Thinking methodology.

Participate in the workshop sessions to explore fresh approaches, collaborate on innovative solutions, and tackle challenges with the support of the international VET community!

Gain insights on achieving success by fostering enduring partnerships in VET that meet the evolving demands of the future!

Please note that fluency in English is a participation requirement.

See you in Warsaw!